Strategies for prevention and health management:

Brain Training for Neuroplasticity: is an educational website designed to provide independent analysis and guidance to navigating the growing digital brain health market and neuro-technology field.

General Behavioral Recommendations:

Check with your primary care physician before making any additions to your consumption of supplements, vitamins and minerals: 

  • Increase physical activity and exercise as tolerated and as approved by your primary care physician.

  • Have a healthy diet (e.g., incorporating a Mediterranean-style diet, including fruits and vegetables, lean protein (fish, chicken, turkey), low-fat items, nuts, and seeds.

  • Increase socialization, including activity programs, adult education classes, and social groups

  • De-stress! Think positive and optimistically about events.  Utilize relaxation techniques that include breathing techniques or meditation.  Recognize and correct distortions in thinking, e.g., catastrophizing, personalization, magnification.  Focus on personal strengths and resources. Practice Mindfulness Meditation.

  • Increase mental activity, e.g., cross word puzzles, reading and discussion.

  • Listen to music (especially classical).  

  • Ongoing follow-up with your primary care doctor for routine health maintenance (i.e., control vascular risk factors such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes/high sugars) to decrease rate of progression of memory decline.

  • External aids, e.g., calendar, set reminders and alarms on mobile phone, post it notes and lists.

  • Think of three or more items of interest (from a movie, reading, from the news, from conversations) and talk about them later.

  • Repeat a name or specific information of interest three times to improve recall. Paraphrase and summarize what you have heard.

  • Keep a consistent routine and schedule.